How to get out off here? Out off this situation…

So here we are. This is a stage I never expected not anticipated on. A shelter where you have a wait in a drop-in. Where you sit on a chair and can’t move. If you move you either loose your stuff or get a warning. Where there are curfews. Where smoking is at 1-3-7-9 pm at the drop-in when you have a bunk it’s from 8-10/10.30-12 pm. Where breakfast is from 6.30 am till 6.45 am and dinner from 6 pm till 7 pm. Where there are bed checks. Forget 1 they drop your bed.Where rules are needed to control the more then 375 homeless staying there. More then 450 if you include the drop-in. At the end off the month even more try to get in.I was lucky to have my bunk within 14 days. 1 friend who is there waits for 5 months now! Kate has a bed still with help off general assistance close to getting a home. My bunkmate has a room by now.There is a lot off help in San Francisco. At the shelter is intervention. But a lot choose to stay in a shelter. To life outside the system. Many that I met stay below the radar for various reasons. Drugs, prior convictions, warrents, bad experiences with the system. Not wanting the responsibility to pay bills, the easy life suits them as there is a bed, free food and welfair to use on booz and drugs.There are 2 categories homeless.1) those who hide for the system2) the silicon valley employees who can’t affort housing, lost their homes because off the rental prices. The average is 5000 us or way more. The average pay is 8000 us a month. 3000 us doesnt cut it to pay your other bills + food.The intervention manager for housing either can help you with housing outside the city (nobody wants to leave) or a room in homeless district ‘Tenderloin’. Those who visited San Francisco know it. Go from Union Square to Marketstreet, to the right, cross magnus you are there. Walk up just a little you see tents. People filty lying in the street. Its a dangerous area.In between all that I had to find a way to survive, and a way out. In between all that this woman kept coming and going.. introducing herself as someone new…. Brover.